Natural Highs...

  • Falling in love.
  • Laughing so hard your face hurts.
  • No lines at the Super Walmart.
  • A special glance.
  • Getting mail.
  • Taking a drive on a pretty road.
  • Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
  • Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
  • Hot towels out of the dryer.
  • Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
  • Chocolate milkshakes.
  • A long distance phone call.
  • A bubble bath.
  • Getting invited to a dance.
  • Giggling.
  • A good conversation.
  • A care package.
  • The beach.
  • Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.
  • Laughing at yourself.
  • Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
  • Running through sprinklers.
  • Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
  • Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
  • Laughing at an inside joke.
  • Friends.
  • Falling in love for the first time.
  • Slumber parties.
  • Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
  • Your first kiss.
  • Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
  • Having someone play with your hair.
  • Sweet dreams.
  • Hot chocolate.
  • Road trips with friends.
  • Swinging on swings.
  • Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.
  • Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking eggnog.
  • Tickle fights.
  • Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person.
  • Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
  • Winning a really competitive game.
  • Making chocolate chip cookies.
  • Forehead kisses.
  • Spending time with close friends.
  • Riding a bike downhill.
  • Holding someone you love.
  • A long, strong hug from an old friend.
  • Gigantic teddy bears.
  • Someone besides your family telling you they love you.
  • A kiss from the person you love.
  • Doing something nice for someone you love.
  • Getting a long letter.
  • Sitting in a park.
  • Surprising someone and seeing that sparkle in their eyes.
  • Coming home after a long trip.
  • Getting together with all of your friends over the holidays.
  • Dancing.
  • Taking a walk on a cool night and looking up at millions of stars (or just one star) and making a wish.
  • Crawling into your bed and getting under the cool soft sheets.
  • Sitting in a chair where your feet don't touch the ground--so that they are free to swing.
  • Playing a good prank and getting away with it.
  • Having the one you love put his arms around you as you both fall asleep.
  • Long walks on the beach, listening the waves, wishing it would last forever.
  • A good friend making you laugh when you were supposed to be crying.
  • Waking up next to the person you love and watching him while he sleeps.
  • Watching squirrels chase each other in a tree.
  • A long embrace with someone special.
  • The feeling you get watching your favourite old movie, waiting for that one part that makes your heart melt.
  • Walking under a beautiful dark sky with a full moon and bright shining stars and having the one you love standing right next to you holding your hand.
  • While taking a midnight stroll on the beach as the beautiful moon and stars watch over you, your love pausing to look into your eyes and tell you he loves you.
  • Recalling great memories of you and your friends from the past.
  • Hearing an oldies love song at that perfect moment with him.
  • Playing a competitive game of Trivial Pursuit with a group of your closest friends.
  • Being appreciated when you thought no one cared.
  • Knowing that someone outside of your family truly thinks that you're something special.
  • Going home after being away for a long time.
  • The feeling you get when you realise GOD has answered your prayers.
  • Looking into his eyes for a long time.
  • A visit from a good friend.
  • Laughing until you can't remember what was funny in the first place.
  • Watching a movie late at night, when its the most hilarious!
  • Having the most awesomest friends in the world and telling them ya love em and seeing their smiles.
  • When friends say that they luv ya! How you will a always know that they will be there for you no matter what!
  • Laughter through tears.
  • That good feeling you get when a moment finally happens that u have been anticipating forever!
  • Puddle jumping when it's POURING rain.
  • When someone keeps a promise they made with you years ago.
  • The realization that God was looking after it all the whole time you were worrying about it.
  • A warm, friendly smile from a complete stranger or even a close friend as you pass them by.
  • The feeling at the end of the night, not wanting to part from the person you love.
  • Trusting a friend
  • Staring out the window, expecting nothing interesting and then you see a beautiful bird or a sleepy lizard or even your pet dogs and it makes you smile.
  • Looking through old photos and remembering the good times with people.
  • Getting e-mails from friends who you haven't seen for a while or even ones from someone you saw this morning.
  • Walking along a path which is covered in fallen leaves.
  • Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with those you love.

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