18 Easy Ways to
Get and Stay Motivated

1.  Surround yourself with a strong community - people who "think positive." The beliefs and attitudes of peers are contagious. 
2.  The lessons of life are called "mistakes." All things of value are created from experience - and experience includes these lessons.   They give you insight (and 20/20 hindsight), so NEVER be afraid to try.
3.  Have a Plan B.  What will you do if things don't fall into place?  If others don't come through for you?  With an alternative you can relax in the knowledge that even the worst case you'll be all right.
4.  Write down good ideas the moment you think of them.  Keep a notepad handy.  We all get good ideas, but only a few of us save them and follow through.
5.  What do you NEED to be your absolute best?  Are you an "early worm?"  Do you like playing music playing while you work out?  Do you prefer working out at the gym, or working out at home in private?  Make sure your environment is conducive to getting the job done.
6.  "Bribe" yourself.  Think of a reward you'll give yourself once you reach your goal.  Better yet, break down your ultimate goal into sub- goals, and reward yourself every time you reach a "stepping stone."
7.  Use your dreams.  Right before you go to sleep, think about your goal.  Make it as vivid, as real, and as powerful as you can.   If you do this every night, your dreams will offer insights.  And motivation to achieve it.
8.  Give yourself credit.  Make a list of everything you've accomplished, big or small, every day.  Then do it for the week.  You'll realize you're a very motivated person who does hundreds of little things every day; you just take them for granted.  Realizing what a motivated person you already are will encourage you to take on bigger tasks.
9.  At the end of the week, add up how many hours you devoted to working, eating, exercising, taking care of the kids, etc.  How many hours are left to work on reaching your goal?  Often it's more than you think.   If not, then it's time to set some priorities.
10.  Stop sabotaging yourself.  If you don't feel motivated, maybe it's because you have an internal conflict.  What would you lose if you reached your goal?  If you slimmed down, for example, would you lose a reason for being unhappy?  Be certain you REALLY want everything that comes with your goals, and there are no hidden "benefits" to failure.
11.  Make a deal with a spouse, boy/girlfriend.  If you do such-and-such, you're entitled to a romantic evening.  If you don't complete the task, you have to do something special for him/her.
12.  Ask an imaginary expert.  Think of a person who could reach your goal easily. Now imagine that person is in front of you.  What advice do you think s/he would give? 
13.  Make it fun to get started.  Do you like looking at the big picture first or the details?  Do you like to start with what's familiar or do you prefer novelty?  Do you want to read about it first, or jump right in?   Organize the task to fit your style.
14.  Get rid of coffee mugs and other novelty items that say "Life's A B***h," or "I Hate Mondays," and the like.   Be careful about the messages you send to your brain.   Find stuff that's inspirational or motivational,like Successories.
15.  If you have kids, catch their enthusiasm.  Children sometimes are short on skill but are abundant with excitement.  This same kind of energy could help you reach your goals.
16.  Tell somebody else you know about what you're trying to do; ask him/her to call in a few days to check up on you.   This kind of peer pressure can work wonders.
17.  Insist on at least 5 minutes a day of downtime, preferably 15 minutes.  Think about what you wanted to do that day, what you actually accomplished.  Give yourself a pat on the back where it's due, forgive your mistakes, and make up for it tomorrow.
18.  Get away from pointing the finger.  Instead of "whose fault is it?" ask "How can I make this better?"

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