Once Upon A Time ...

Newborn Chubbyhead
A princess was born in a far away land ...
(California - Land of the Great Murky Sea'n'Sky)

Little Big Ears
That little princess had really big ears...
(Well! It wasn't my fault!)

Little Biker Babe
Even though the princess was brought up to be a proper young lady,
she was Born To Be Wild ...

Little Caged Cutie
The law caught up with the wildchild
- she was immediately locked up ...
(Mommy? Daddy? You're not going to leave me in here, are you?)

Little Pastry Taster
But because of her noble status,
she got out of the "pen" in time for her birthday ...

Little Pastry Taster Wants MORE!
The princess reeeally liked cake ...
(MmMmmmMmMmMmmm ...)

Little Me
After all was said and done,
she grew up to be a good lil girl after all.

The End

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