Indonesian White's Tree Frog

Care sheet for Indonesian White’s Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)

White’s Tree Frogs (Litoria caerulea) make excellent pets: Food
White’s Tree Frogs love crickets. Gutload the crickets (feed them nutritious food  – the frog will also digest the cricket’s last meal).

Before you give the crickets to the frog, coat them with a vitamin/calcium powder. Put the powder in a plastic bag along with the crickets and shake to coat them. Then put the crickets in with the frog.

White’s Tree Frogs can also be fed mealworms. Feed them mealworms immediately after the mealworms shed their shell (the mealworms will appear creamy white or translucent). When the worms have just molted, they can’t do damage to the frog.

Numerous White’s can co–exist nicely in one tank. A good rule of thumb is one frog per every 10 gallons.

White’s are active (at night) so they need a good–size terrarium. They like to be around 75 to 80 degrees F. The temperature can be adjusted with a bulb over the tank or a heating pad underneath it.

Do not use gravel as a substrate. White’s tend to ingest it and become impacted. Use potting soil instead. (If you use an undertank heater, a substrate is a must, otherwise the glass will become too hot and burn your frog.)

Make sure the terrarium closes securely. Also make sure there is plenty of ventilation.

Wash your hands before handling the frog. The salts on your hands are not good for his skin. Be sure to wash after handling him as well.

Happy Froggy

Frog Princess Says *Peace, Love, and Crrrroak!*Enjoy!

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